The Receiver has designated 96 branches of the 347 MicroFinance Companies (MFCs) placed into receivership as operational branches, to serve the customers of these institutions as well as the customers of other MFCs whose licenses have been revoked. This means that, the Receiver’s team will cease to operate from any branch of the affected MFCs which has not been listed.
The Receiver wishes to inform the general public that effective Friday, 11 October 2019, the branches of the following affected MFCs set out below will remain open to serve the customers of these institutions as well as the customers of other MFCs whose licenses have been revoked.
Notice is hereby given that depositors who have not yet submitted their claim forms should do so on or before Friday 18th October 2019 for validation. After this date, the Receiver will conclude that there are no more outstanding claim forms to be submitted.
Nunc quis urna gravida, iaculis ipsum sit amet, lacinia nulla. Sed non purus sit amet orci suscipit rhoncus ultricies nec felis. Sed maximus feugiat augue, ac pharetra nulla pulvinar non. Morbi molestie, tellus quis pellentesque laoreet, leo lectus accumsan ex, in condimentum magna nisl sit amet neque.
Notice is hereby served on all Debtors of the affected MFCs to make arrangements to settle the full amounts of their overdue indebtedness to the respective MFCs as soon as possible, failing which the Receiver shall consider all his options including legal action against Debtors to recover the outstanding loan facilities granted them without recourse to them.
Notice is hereby served on all Debtors of the affected S&Ls and Finance Houses to make arrangements to settle the full amounts of their overdue indebtedness to the respective S&Ls and Finance Houses as soon as possible, failing which the Receiver shall consider all his options including legal action against Debtors to recover the outstanding loan facilities granted them without recourse to them.